The Savvy Scribe

Episode 119: Day 3 - 7 Day Nurse to Writer Challenge

Episode 119

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Welcome to DAY THREE of the 7 Day Nurse to Writer Challenge. If you haven't listened to the prior episode, I recommend you go back and start at Episode 116.

If you haven't joined the challenge yet, here's the link to join:

Here we go into DAY 3!

What Is an Ideal Work Week?

An Ideal Work Week is your incredibly optimistic version of the way you’d love to spend your time each week. 

It’s not a dream but a reality. You map out your week from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed and see where the gaps are. Let’s get started.

Ideal Workweek process

Start with a blank piece of paper or Google Doc.

Remember, in the last lesson we talked all about the hour of power? I want you to map that into your schedule first. Then, add in your hours for your job (I know, if it’s nursing, it can be scattered, but make a general guess). Now, add in the demands of life, children’s activities, etc.

You are going to have a different week than anyone else.

Now, take your planner calendar. I use Google Calendar because of everything talks (and it’s free). I love the fact that I can share it too with my son and husband. I also like that I can make an idea work week and not share it with anyone but myself to help me plan. This helps me know if I am protecting my ideal work week and my time.

Test it out

Try it out for the rest of this week. You will make tweaks; that’s normal. Start to match up your low energy activities with your high energy ones.

I laid out my plan for next Tuesday below:

4:45-5:00am – Wake up, make coffee, feed animals, stretch

5:00am-7:00am – TWO Hours of power – deep writing work

7:00am-9:00am – Tend to garden, wake up boys, make breakfast, workout, shower, laundr

Welcome to the Savvy Scribe Podcast, I'm so glad you're here! Before we start the show, if you're interested, we have a free Facebook group called "Savvy Nurse Writer Community"

I appreciate you following me and listening today. I would LOVE for you to subscribe: ITUNES

And if you love it, can I ask for a Savvy Nurse Writer Community on Facebook and visit to help you get started today!

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If you’re ready to start exploring if freelance writing is your next PRN job or even full-time, I invite you to check out the Savvy Nurse Writer Community on Facebook and the Plan Produce Profit Course + Membership to help you get started today!

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